Global Mission Aid

The Motive and Background of Establishing GMA

To help families in impoverished communities around the world escape the cycle of poverty, Global Mission Aid was established in 2013.

When we visited Limuru, Kenya, in July 2010, we visited the home of an elderly woman named “Minne.” After her son and his wife were killed in the civil war, she had a very difficult life raising her six young grandchildren in a small rusty tin house that was only 3 pyeong in size.

She was so poor that she was in a situation of her survival being threatened.. At the time, Grandmother Mine was attending to a small church called “Kibuku,” and she was not in a situation to serve a cup of tea to her guests. Nevertheless, we were deeply shocked and moved when we saw her invite guests to her home, share of food with them, and worship together. With the hope of being of some help to the grandmother, the African Prayer Team raised some donations and built a house for the grandmother and bought her a dairy cow.

When we visited Grandma Mine family again three years later, we were surprised to see a significant increase in the livestock we donated. One cow increased to eight livestock (including two cows, five sheep and one donkey). This helped her become financially self-sufficient. This became widely known in the local community and was even widely reported on the news. The residents truly envied her success, and she became a person who brought hope to them.

She worked hard for her grandchildren to be out of starvation. And She did her best to escape the pain of poverty, but she could not escape the shackles of poverty. Without something to pave the way to overcome poverty, there was nothing she could do. It may have been a small thing to us in. But from her point of view, it was a decisive help to her in escaping poverty

Through this work, we have come to realize that it is important to give hope for a better life by giving people who have difficulty in escaping the cycle of poverty a motive to overcome poverty. Also, God has given us the heart to share even a small thing with those suffering from poverty. This led to the establishment of Global Mission Aid in 2013 to help poor families around the world

Representative of GMA, Jong-gyeong Lee