GMA History

▪ Volunteer work for impoverished families in Limuru, Kenya
▪ Started prayer meetings for the establishment of GMA
▪ Sent a volunteer team to Limuru, Kenya
▪ Formed an organizing committee for the establishment of GMA
▪ Issued a unique registration number (617-82-74155) for a non-profit private organization:
▪ Held the founding general assembly of GMA
▪ Provided living assistance support to impoverished families in Jutitola, Bangladesh:
▪ Sent a volunteer team to Khulna, Bangladesh
▪ Provided living assistance support to impoverished families in Krismojoroto, Indonesia:
▪ Implemented a livestock distribution project in Soroti, Uganda
▪ Self-Sufficient Poultry Farming Project in Pavlon, Uzbekistan
▪ Garment Manufacturing Project in Ambatoharo, Madagascar
▪ Livestock Distribution Project in Uganda
▪ Self-Sufficiency Support for Low-Income Households in Java, Indonesia
▪ Self-Sufficiency Support for Low-Income Households in Vientiane, Laos
▪ Livestock distribution to impoverished households in Yangon, Myanmar
▪ Livestock distribution in Mirpur Khas, Pakistan
▪ Tailoring business support in Antananarivo, Madagascar
▪ Microfinance program for small business startups in Dhaka, Bangladesh
▪ Livelihood support program for impoverished households in Khulna, Bangladesh
▪ Self-sufficient poultry farming project in Siem Reap, Cambodia
▪ Livestock distribution in Palembang, Indonesia
▪ Livestock distribution project in Kumi, Uganda
▪ Land purchase support in Dodoma, Tanzania
▪ Technical school support in Limuru, Kenya
▪ Pig farming support in Kathmandu, Nepal
▪ Maize farming support in drought-stricken areas of Dodoma, Tanzania
▪ Maize farming support in drought-stricken areas of Mballe, Uganda
▪ Maize farming support in drought-stricken areas of Masai, Kenya
▪ Livestock distribution in Bangalore, India
▪ Livestock distribution in Ilayar, India
▪ Livestock distribution and seedling purchase in Antananarivo, Madagascar
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Yangon, Myanmar
▪ Sent volunteer teem to Bangladesh
▪ Sewing training and van purchase in Lowmari, Bangladesh
▪ Tuition and living expense support for a technical school in Frampram, Ghana
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Accra, Ghana
▪ Livestock distribution to villages in the Thar Desert, Pakistan
▪ Self-sufficient poultry farm for an orphanage in Wiang Pa Pao, Thailand
▪ Commercial vehicle purchase support for impoverished households in Frampram, Ghana
▪ Ginger farming support in Gudalur, India
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Bangladesh
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Antananarivo, Madagascar
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Peru
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Bolivia
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Paraguay
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Jordan
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Cambodia
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in India
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in the Philippines
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Hanoi, Vietnam
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Dhaka, Bangladesh
▪ COVID-19 emergency relief in Yangon, Myanmar
▪ Emergency relief for impoverished households in Frampram, Ghana
▪ Equipment support for a health clinic in Dhaka, Bangladesh
▪ Self-sufficient poultry farming project in Chirchik, Uzbekistan
▪ Taxi motorcycle purchase support for impoverished households in Frampram, Ghana
▪ Taxi rickshaw purchase support for impoverished households in Dhaka, Bangladesh
▪ Medicine supply for a health clinic in Dhaka, Bangladesh
▪ Emergency relief for impoverished households in Lahore, Pakistan
▪ Emergency humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Kabukoo, Kenya
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Nairobi, Kenya
▪ Emergency relief for flood victims in the Thar Desert, Pakistan
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Limuru, Kenya
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Sindh Province, Pakistan
▪ Livelihood support for impoverished households in Limuru, Keny
▪ Emergency relief for the Turkey-Hatay earthquake disaster
▪ Educational project support in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
▪ Educational project support in Nairobi, Kenya
▪ Emergency relief for the floods in Lima, Peru
▪ Educational project support in Accra, Ghana
▪ Educational project support in Nairobi, Kenya
▪ Educational project support in Bambang, Philippines
▪ Educational project support in Nairobi, Kenya
▪ Livestock distribution in the Thar Desert, Pakistan
▪ Small business startup project in Pakistan
▪ Busan Metropolitan City Non-profit Private Organization Registration No. 977
▪ K-Leadership project for the Gijang immigrant community
▪ Saemaul Undong (New Community Movement) in Kibera, Kenya, and one-on-one student sponsorship at Ushirika Secondary School
▪ Vocational school and Hokma refugee school support for refugees in Malaysia
▪ Emergency food aid for extremely poor families in Tajikistan
▪ Emergency food aid for extremely poor families in Delhi, India
▪ One-on-one child sponsorship and community relief in Jetio, Philippines
▪ Emergency food aid for extremely poor families in India
▪ Establishment of a Saemaul Undong self-sufficient farm in Pakistan
▪ Well-digging and house-building projects in Cambodia
▪ Medicine delivery project to the Sahara Desert
▪ Sheep farm establishment project in Uzbekistan