GMA trains migrants temporarily staying in Korea to become staff members for the GMA’s projects, and upon their return to their home countries, they undertake GMA’s project. In addition, we collaborate with dispatched migrants to carry out the globalization of the Saemaul Undong, a Korean model of self-reliant economy and community development. Beyond simple volunteering, we play a crucial role in creating a multicultural society, achieving social integration, and realizing values that respect human rights.
| 1. Migrant Care Project
We help migrants (including refugees) who stay in Korea for short or long periods to live a more stable and humane life in Korea. And we help them leave Korea with a good image of Korea. We provide legal support, language education and cultural adaptation support, job placement and employment support, assistance in finding safe and affordable housing, and information on medical services and assistance in using medical institutions. We respect the cultural diversity of migrants, actively listen to their opinions, and strive to solve problems together.

| 2. Return Migration Project
We provide systematic education and training programs so that migrants can become professional project managers for overseas development NGOs, and upon returning to their home countries, we send them as project managers for NGO organizations. In particular, we help them acquire the qualities and abilities to lead local development projects in their home countries by learning about the Saemaul Undong, a Korean regional development movement. We support migrants who aspire to start projects aimed at developing their home communities or aiding those in need. We connect them with Korean communities in their home countries to share information and receive support.